一次性攝入過多Rush可能導致窒息,心律失常,心血管抑制,肝腎毒性,高鐵血紅蛋白血症,神經功能失調, 粘膜 、肺 、皮膚和面部皮炎,長期使用可能會發生神經損傷。吞咽Rush會導致嚴重的急性併發症,可能導致死亡。Rush可以與其它血管擴張劑一樣,引起的血壓嚴重下降,導致昏厥,中風,甚至心臟病發作,因此,Rush與偉哥等含有西地那非成分的藥物聯合使用會造成嚴重後果。


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Poppers - Wikipedia

Popper is a slang term given broadly to drugs of the chemical class called alkyl nitrites that are inhaled. Most widely sold products include the original isoamyl nitrite or isopentyl nitrite, and is


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