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Total Visit: 10
There are 0 fact-checking replies to the message
No response has been written yet. It is recommended to maintain a healthy skepticism towards it.
Automated analysis from ChatGPT
The following is the AI's preliminary analysis of this message, which we hope will provide you with some ideas before it is fact-checked by a human.
閱聽人需要注意以下幾點: 1. 訊息的來源:這則訊息沒有提供來源,閱聽人需要懷疑其真實性。 2. 聯合國安理會的改變:閱聽人需要進一步查證聯合國安理會是否真的有進行這樣的改變。 3. 常任理事國的表決權:閱聽人需要進一步查證聯合國安理會是否真的有計畫修改常任理事國的表決權。
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