⚠️⚠️Just now, my colleague received a call asking if he has been vaccinated. If he has been vaccinated, press 1; if he has not been vaccinated yet, press 2. As a result, he pressed 1, and the phone was blocked, and his frequently used swk pay and online bank information were all transferred.
#Everyone, be careful~ Hurry up and forward it to more people to know
⚠️⚠️大家注意⚠️⚠️刚刚我同事接到一通电话,询问他是否已经打了疫苗,如果打了,按1,还没有打,按2。结果他按了1,电话就被block被骇,里面他常用的swk pay和上网的银行资料,都被转账了。
Past 31 days
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回傳訊息就被鎖住手機 不太合理

There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Carol mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Carol
2.刑事警察局指出,只按 1、2 鍵就被駭的情形不太可能,通常都是透過網路。




網傳「疫情期的一個新騙局」、「打過疫苗按1,没打按2」、「按下1電話立即被封了,他的手機就被駭了」的訊息。經查證,目前相關單位並未接獲此類案件,刑事警察局表示,要僅透過電話系統就植入病毒是不太可能的,通常都是藉由網址、網路等;如果民眾真的遇到類似狀況,不要按照對方指示操作,掛斷電話後撥打 165 反


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