
Switzerland announced a month ago that it would freeze $300 billion in Russian assets, and in the past two days it has announced that it will not participate in the sanctions against Russia.
Why has Switzerland changed so much in just one month?
I believe one of the biggest reasons is that since Switzerland announced the freezing of Russian assets, some other big clients have withdrawn their assets from Swiss banks one after another.
For example, customers in Africa, customers in the Middle East, customers in Asia and so on.
The combined assets of these clients are astronomical, much larger than those of Russia.
The reason why they put their assets in Switzerland is mainly because of the so-called confidentiality and security reputation of Swiss banks. Now that this reputation is gone, they will naturally transfer the money.
The century-old brand of Swiss Bank collapsed in this way, and the losses were very heavy.
This is a painful lesson! Going with the Americans is bound to be bad luck.
Past 31 days
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MrOrz mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by MrOrz
此訊息在 2022 年 4 月初傳播,但所謂「瑞士這兩天宣布不參加對俄羅斯制裁」是誤會一場。

📞 此類消息來自中國內容農場,裡面提及的唯一消息可能出處,是 2022/3/29 中國外交部長王毅與瑞士外交部長凱西斯(Ignazio Cassis)的對話內容。中國外交部在會晤後的新聞稿提及,瑞士不支持將俄羅斯排除在多邊關係之外,也會持續其中立國地位。無論是中方新聞稿,還是瑞士外交部,都沒有在 2022 年 3 月底,發布與「不參加制裁」相關的任何內容。

🇨🇭 中國不知名網友將此瑞士外交部長的對話解讀為「瑞士宣布不參加對俄羅斯制裁」,是個人的錯誤解讀。瑞士外交部在 3/1 曾經發表聲明指出,跟進歐盟對俄羅斯的制裁並不影響瑞士的中立性。既然瑞士政府不認為經濟制裁會影響其中立性,3/29 外交部長會晤時重申瑞士中立這件事,自然無法解讀成「瑞士要停止制裁俄羅斯」。


瑞士外交部長凱西斯 Twitter 發文
2022/3/1 瑞士外交部:跟進歐盟制裁絲毫不會改變瑞士的中立性

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