Gen. Keane: Ukraine aid decreased risk of nuclear war

Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane discusses if the appetite to fund Ukraine has dissipated among the American people on 'Cavuto: Coast to Coa...
Past 31 days
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Kuan mark this message contains personal perspective
originally written by Kuan

影片本身是Fox Business的節目,戰略分析師傑克·基恩發表他對美國援助烏克蘭的見解,屬於個人意見。


Opinion Sources

1. 相同影片搭配假訊息的查核案例:
2. Fox官網受訪原文摘錄:

好可怕!駭人聽聞,毫無人性! [福斯Fox新聞摘要] 您知道嗎?美國對烏克蘭的軍援, 完全是一種”投資” (investment)的概念! 美國前陸軍副參謀長四星上將傑克·基恩(Jack K⋯⋯ | Cofacts 真的假的

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