閱讀了關於冠狀病毒疫苗接種的警告後,在疫苗盒上,我們發現確實有警告: 打完冠狀病毒疫苗後,不要使用麻醉劑! 請傳播此信息以保護您的家人、親戚、朋友和所有人。
Anyone who has been vaccinated against coronavirus is prohibited from using any type of anesthetic, even local anesthetics or dentist's anesthetics, because this poses a great hazard to the life of the vaccinated person, is highly dangerous, and may die immediately. . Therefore, the vaccinated person must wait 4 weeks after being vaccinated. If he is infected and recovers, he can only use anesthetics 4 weeks after he recovers from the coronavirus infection. A relative of a friend was vaccinated two days ago, went to the dentist yesterday, and died immediately after receiving local anesthetics! After reading the warning about the coronavirus vaccination, on the vaccine box, we found that after the coronavirus vaccine was given, there was a warning not to use anesthetics! Please spread this information to protect your family, relatives, friends and everyone.
Past 31 days
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
HankOu mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by MrOrz

👩‍⚕️ 此謠言的英文版在馬來西亞流傳,並遭馬來西亞衛生部駁斥。馬來西亞麻醉師社群與馬來西亞醫學科學院專家撰文表示,時至今日並沒有科學證據指出,接種 COVID-19 疫苗後再接受麻醉,會產生嚴重不良反應。

🏥 麻醉科醫師確實會考慮請病患在接種完兩劑疫苗前,暫緩不必要的手術,但這並不是因為疫苗會跟麻醉有交互作用,而是為了讓疫苗施打後的副作用不會與手術後的副作用搞混、影響術後觀察。不過,如果手術真的緊急且必要,就不會因為病患施打過 COVID-19 疫苗而延後手術。


2021/6/12 “假新闻别再乱传” 卫部驳接种后麻醉夺命

Will Anaesthetic Kill People Vaccinated Against COVID-19?

2021/6/14 Misleading information about anaesthesia

“假新闻别再乱传” 卫部驳接种后麻醉夺命



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