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I really do believe that the federal government is captured. It's captured by corporate interests.
The entire U.S. population as well as the world has to understand they can no longer take these
COVID vaccines. These are they are toxic and lethal to and ineffective that they have completely
failed. They can only be viewed as harmful and they need to be stopped. And does it damage
the brain? You bet it does. Does it damage the heart? Yes. The liver? Yes. The bone marrow? Yes.
It causes all sorts of harm in the human body. We should have stopped this
before it ever started. It's a misinformation from the CDC, the FDA, the American Board of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, the American College of OBGYN, the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine.
It's a misinformation from those organizations that is causing a lot of death and injury in my
women of reproductive age, my pregnant women and my pre-born babies. And it's gotta stop and it's
gotta stop now. And for the vaccines broadly, we have no idea what's going to happen long term
now that they're in the body. Studies suggest that the vaccines and the spike protein that's
produced from them never leaves the human body. The first and most important thing, don't take
any more vaccines. Don't take any more boosters. Do not take any more of these dangerous experimental
Past 31 days
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There is 1 fact-checking reply to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin




【報告將隨時更新 2021/7/28版】 一、SM-102是莫德納疫苗專有的脂質成份。專家指出,脂質在疫苗中的作用是,讓mRNA順利遞送至人體細胞之中。 二、網傳文章引用 Cayman Chemicals公司的化學安全資料報告,而這份報告記錄的產品為「90% 的氯仿和 10% 的 SM-102」。其中的有害成份是氯仿,並非SM-102。 因此,傳言錯誤解讀Cayman Chemicals公司的化學


【錯誤】網傳影片「30幾位醫生具名發聲,對此次疫苗提出反對意見」、「Ask The Experts 全球醫生和醫療從業者對 Covid 疫苗的警告」?

【報告將隨時更新 2021/7/22版】 一、新冠病毒與流感病毒的傳播率難以直接相較,但新冠病毒的粗死亡率遠大於流感病毒的死亡率,因此傳言稱「新冠病毒的死亡率與傳染率並沒有高於流感病毒」並不正確。 二、PCR檢測不僅用在測試新冠病毒,也被用於偵測流感等多種疾病。就算樣本有被污染的可能性,新冠病毒疫情大流行仍是有大量案例的事實。因此,傳言稱「PCR過去沒有被用來診斷疾病」、「PCR造成大量誤診,形成


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