American Shares Truth About Joshua Wong & Hong Kong Democracy

American Shares Truth on Xinjiang and Tibet Controversies in China

Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer

Bat coronavirus found in U.S.-funded bio-lab in Ukraine: Russian Defense Ministry

Ukrainians were denied US visas as White House promise help to refugees

Reports of racist treatment against Africans trying to flee Ukraine

Fleeing African and Indian students face racism at Ukraine border

Canadian RCMP use horses to trample protestors

A bald-faced lie from the Western media corp: Critical “Uyghur Genocide” Questions: A CBC Interview Follow-up

American Shares Truth About Joshua Wong & Hong Kong Democracy

0:00 - Intro of Hong Kong Democracy Movement1:03 - How did your China Journey Begin?2:20 - First Impressions on China4:30 - Shaun’s Work with China Market Re...

American Shares Truth on Xinjiang and Tibet Controversies in China

0:00 Introduction of Tibet and Xinjiang0:32 - What was Tibet like 20 Years Ago?3:00 - How the Chinese government works in Tibet5:20 - Is the Tibetan language...

Why is Ukraine the West's Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer

UnCommon Core: The Causes and Consequences of the Ukraine CrisisJohn J. Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in Political Sci...

Bat coronavirus found in U.S.-funded bio-lab in Ukraine: Russian Defense Ministry

Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said that experiments with samples of bat coronavirus were carried out in biological laboratories crea...

Ukrainians were denied US visas as White House promise help to refugees

On Friday, March 4th, a Ukrainian-American woman from Illinois says she has run into roadblocks trying to get her sister and 13-year-old nephew a visa to the...

Reports of racist treatment against Africans trying to flee Ukraine

Africans trying to flee Ukraine say authorities stop them from leaving while letting Ukrainians through.Subscribe: http...

Fleeing African and Indian students face racism at Ukraine border

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine enters a fifth day, an outpouring of support for Ukrainians has been witnessed across much of Europe, Australia, and the W...

Critical "Uyghur Genocide" Questions: A CBC Interview Follow-up

UPDATE: The CBC finally included me in their program. They wrapped me up into a report talking about influencers connected to Chinese government campaigns, d...
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