1993年美國人拍攝的 "消失的平溪煤礦", 應該都是在十分及藍爸東勢格拍攝的.

Vanishing Coal Mines of Pingxi Valley youtube render.avi

Documents coal mining operations in the Pingxi Valley of Northern Taiwan in 1993 and tells the story of the hard physical work required of the men and women who worked in the industry. It also focuses

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Lin mark this message contains true information
originally written by Lin



新平溪煤礦博物館 坐著運煤小火車,親眼一睹礦業遺跡-微笑季刊:2019夏季號《瘋。涼。祭》-微笑台灣 - 用深度旅遊體驗鄉鎮魅力

首頁 旅人專欄 微笑季刊:2019夏季號《瘋。涼。祭》 新平溪煤礦博物館 坐著運煤


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