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Ivermectin is a remarkable drug. People who poo it talk about it as horse dewormer, which is completely absurd.
If you had to design a drug for COVID, it would look exactly like Ivermectin. It has all the properties that any drug would want.
It's antiviral, so it works against a whole host of RNA viruses. This is indisputable. It is anti-inflammatory.
We know this. There are multiple studies showing that Ivermectin is a very powerful anti-inflammatory drug.
We know that what it does is it stimulates a process called autophagy, which is very important in the process of healing.
And it's one of the main mechanisms that we use to help patients get rid of spike protein.
And Ivermectin, believe it or not, stimulates autophagy.
The other thing it does, which is important, is it improves the microbiome.
So we have all of these bacteria in our gut. And what happens is COVID in the vaccine changes your microbiome in a very unfavorable manner.
Very unfavorable. It causes profound changes in the microbiome.
And this in itself has serious consequences. Ivermectin helps restore the microbiome.
So it truly is a multifunctional drug, which is safe.
And it works both for early COVID and it also is very effective for the vaccine injured.
So it really, and it's not, you know, we're not making money selling Ivermectin. No one's going to make money.
People ask, well, you know, you've got a conflict of interest. Are you selling Ivermectin? No.
You know, this is a cheap generic drug. The WHO actually had access to Ivermectin at two cents a tablet, two cents.
I mean, how can you possibly make money off such a cheap drug?
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