Vaccine researcher admits ‘big mistake,’ says spike protein is dangerous ‘toxin’
‘Terrifying’ new research finds vaccine spike protein unexpectedly in bloodstream. The protein is linked to blood clots, heart and brain damage, and potential risks to nursing babies and fertility.
Mon May 31, 2021 - 5:22 pm EST


“可怕”的新研究意外地在血液中發現了疫苗刺突蛋白。 這種蛋白質與血栓、心臟和大腦損傷以及哺乳嬰兒和生育能力的潛在風險有關。

2021 年 5 月 31 日星期一 - 美國東部時間下午 5:22
Past 31 days
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There are 2 fact-checking replies to the message
Lin mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lin

The claim that the spike protein from COVID-19 vaccination can cause vascular damage in vaccinated people is unsupported and misleading. While the potential effect of the spike protein produced during infection on blood vessels deserves further investigation, the claim that COVID-19 vaccines will cause similar problems is unsubstantiated. In fact, the available evidence contradicts this claim, instead suggesting that COVID-19 vaccines targeting the spike protein might not only protect against viral infection but also against vascular damage.


Byram Bridle’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines are toxic fails to account for key differences between the spike protein produced during infection and vaccination, misrepresents studies - Health Feedback

The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 allows the virus to bind to and infect cells, making it an ideal target for vaccine development. Recent studies suggested that the spike protein produced during infecti
Juan Lai mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Juan Lai


Byram Bridle’s claim that COVID-19 vaccines are toxic fails to account for key differences between the spike protein produced during infection and vaccination, misrepresents studies - Health Feedback

The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 allows the virus to bind to and infect cells, making it an ideal target for vaccine development. Recent studies suggested that the spike protein produced during infecti

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