失智前兆3成可逆轉!研究:吃這增強記憶力 #LINETODAY

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Haku mark this message contains true information
originally written by Haku
「輕度認知障礙(Mild Cognitive Impairment, MCI)」是介於正常老化與輕度失智症之間的過渡階段,就是患者本人覺得記憶力不佳,客觀的認知功能測驗也顯示近期記憶減退,但其他認知功能正常,並不影響生活或工作。日本《讀賣新聞》報導,MCI的人在追蹤調查後發現有46%恢復正常。
另外,文內所提到的實驗可於《阿茲海默症期刊》(Journal of Alzheimer's Disease)查得,為2016年發表的研究。



Impact of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Memory Functions in Healthy Older Adults (英)

Impact of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplementation on Memory Functions in Healthy Older Adults. - PubMed

AbstractAs the process of Alzheimer's disease (AD) begins years before disease onset, searching for prevention strategies is of major medical and economic importance. Nutritional supplementation with


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