A nephew of my friend works in Shenzhen Hospital. He is being transferred to Wuhan to study the new pneumonia virus. He called and asked to tell all my friends that if a runny nose and sputum occur during a cold, it cannot be concluded that it is new-type coronavirus pneumonia. Because coronavirus pneumonia is a dry cough without runny nose, this is the simplest way to identify it. He also informed that the new type of coronary pneumonia virus is not heat-resistant and will be killed in an environment of 26-27 degrees. Therefore, drink plenty of hot water to prevent the virus. As long as the body maintains heat, eat more ginger and do more Exercise, you will not be infected with the virus. If you have a high fever, cover under quilt and drink ginger soup to increase the body's heat energy without the need for a vaccine. Eating more ginger, garlic pepper, and pepper can solve it; eat less sweet, sour, and salt!
Don't go to cold weather areas. The virus will disappear completely when exposed to the sun.
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originally written by Pei-Chi Lo


WHO-China Joint Mission on COVID-19,P12第一段提及痰液也是症狀:


关于印发新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)的通知 国卫办医函〔2020〕184号 各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团卫生健康委、中医药管理局: 为进一步做好新型冠状病毒肺炎病例诊断和医疗救治工作,我们组织专家在对前期医疗救治工作进行分析、研判、总结的基础上,对诊疗方案进行修订,形成了《新型冠状病毒肺炎诊疗方案(试行第七版)》。现印发给你们,请参照执行。各有关医疗机构要在医疗救治工作中积极发

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