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catcatcatcat mark this message contains true information
originally written by catcatcatcat
本新聞原為美國廣播公司旗下 abcNews 新聞事業部報導,亦有多家傳媒轉播,具有某程度的可信度。原文是指搜救者接到電話說,來電者說已看到狗隻約兩日,並非搜救者觀察紀錄兩日才進行營救。

Brave dog saves life of his horribly injured best friend by standing guard and protecting her from passing trains for TWO DAYS until rescuers arrived
Injured dog stranded on train tracks protected by furry friend

Brave dog saves life of his horribly injured best friend by standing guard and protecting her from passing trains for TWO DAYS until rescuers arrived

PUPPY LOVE Heartwarming footage shows just why dogs are man's best friend as the loyal pooch protects his mate after she is seriously injuredVideo27 Dec 2016, 8:49Updated: 4 Jul 2017, 16:27THE heartwa

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