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MrOrz mark this message contains true information
originally written by MrOrz
北卡羅萊納州立大學的 Robert R. Dunn 教授確實進行過「肚臍生態多樣性(Belly Button Biodiversity)」計畫,找出數千種細菌種類。

然而該計畫將重點放在生態多樣性研究,大多都是無害的細菌,故「比馬桶髒 4100 倍」這樣的標題標題相當危言聳聽。


2012.12.18 The Atlantic - 1,458 Bacteria Species 'New to Science' Found in Our Belly Buttons

2012.11.14 National Geographic - What Lives in Your Belly Button? Study Finds "Rain Forest" of Species

2012.11.7 研究文章全文 - A Jungle in There: Bacteria in Belly Buttons are Highly Diverse, but Predictable

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