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originally written by Ann
1. 2019年4月23日,62歲的Michael Andrew Fife被一名女孩指控性騷擾,當Michael下公車時便遭受這名女孩的17歲哥哥襲擊頭部,並隨即昏厥,路人將他送醫後,仍於4月27日因傷身亡。
2. 這名涉案少年被起訴三項罪名,最後因沒有前科被判入少年拘留所30天。警方根據監視器畫面,認為Michael並無性騷擾的犯行,也表示即使女孩的指控為真,也不能成為攻擊人的藉口。


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Logan man assaulted, dies after being accused of sexual assault on a CVTD bus

Man, 62, dies after a 17-year-old boy attacked him for sexually assaulting his sister on a bus - an incident that police say never happened

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