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主流學界認為,在輻射劑量超過 100 毫西弗(mSv)之後,才會觀察到有增加致癌的可能。

根據計算,若以日本人攝取海產的習慣(每年平均 37.5 kg)持續吃福島電廠當地 4 公里內的海產五十年,輻射劑量亦僅數微西弗(μSv)而已,並沒有達到會增加致癌風險的劑量。


公視我們的島 陳信聰採訪科學月刊編輯委員 廖英凱

【低劑量輻射(100 毫西弗以下)對人體影響的觀察】
Radiation hormesis(低劑量輻射可引發身體的修復反應來抵銷游離輻射的破壞),以及與其相對的 LNT 模型(假設低劑量也有致癌風險)的介紹

The Linear No-Threshold Relationship Is Inconsistent with Radiation Biologic and Experimental Data
LNT 模型與實際觀測不一致

【福島 ALPS 污水排放後,攝取海鮮者的輻射影響】
Bezhenar et al. (2021) Planned release of contaminated water from the Fukushima storage tanks into the ocean: Simulation scenarios of radiological impact for aquatic biota and human from seafood consumption
相關內文(1) A consumption of 37.5 kg seafood per year for 50 years was assumed.
相關內文(2) The cumulative individual dose to humans from all radionuclides for 50 years period is estimated at 3.4 μSv for the 10-year release scenario and 5.3 μSv for the 40-year release scenario.
*感謝科學月刊編輯委員 廖英凱 提供論文出處

【日本核廢水十個疑問!】吃到氚會怎樣?福島電廠排放到海的有什麼物質呢?|feat.科學月刊編輯委員 廖英凱|公視我們的島Podcast影音版 @EP.62

P來賓|科學月刊編輯委員 廖英凱2023年8月24日,日本開始排放福島核廢水,總量為134萬噸,預計排放30年。排放的核廢水中,有什麼有害放射物質?所謂的ALPS真的能完全過濾銫、鍶嗎?氚是什麼?對生物有何危害?為何放射物質會致癌?如何評估生物累積風險?中韓民眾為何搶購食鹽…?本集邀請科學月刊編輯委員廖英凱,針對...

Radiation hormesis - Wikipedia

Radiation hormesis is the hypothesis that low doses of ionizing radiation (within the region of and just above natural background levels) are beneficial, stimulating the activation of repair mechanism

The Linear No-Threshold Relationship Is Inconsistent with Radiation Biologic and Experimental Data

1. Rothkamm K, Löbrich M. Evidence for a lack of DNA double-strand break repair in human cells exposed to very low x-ray doses. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003;100(9):5057–5062. [PMC free article] [PubM

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