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Lopez mark this message contains misinformation
originally written by Lopez
1. 並沒有臨床實證指出,維他命C對於抵抗冠狀病毒的保護。此部分為假。
2. 分子矯正醫學 Ortho Molecular Medicine 是一種另類醫學,沒有醫學實證,療效也不明顯,能不能稱為醫學都很有爭議。(詳見維基[1])
《orthomolecular medicine are not supported by sound medical evidence, and the therapy is not effective; even the validity of calling the orthomolecular approach a form of medicine has been questioned since the 1970s.》
3. 追求還沒有經過科學驗證的另類治療 而延遲了經過科學驗證的正規治療,可能會發生危險。



Orthomolecular medicine - Wikipedia

Orthomolecular medicine[1][2] is a form of alternative medicine that aims to maintain human health through nutritional supplementation. The concept builds on the idea of an optimal nutritional environ

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