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originally written by Ann
影片中的主講人Sherri Tenpenny,已多次發表與疫苗相關的錯誤訊息與陰謀論。

1. 刺突蛋白不是完整的病毒、不具毒性,在人體內很快降解掉,根據哈佛醫學院的實驗,接種疫苗後14天,體內的刺突蛋白就會降至無法檢測的水平,並非如影片所言會「永遠存在體內」。

2. 沒有科學證據顯示mRNA疫苗會破壞類鐸受體、先天免疫系統或使人更容易感染病毒。

影片指稱「mRNA 疫苗亦會破壞第3、7、8類鐸受體(TLR)」,陽明大學微生物免疫研究所前教授張南驥表示,TLR3只會辨識外來的雙股RNA,極不可能受疫苗影響,TLR7、8則會因結合疫苗中的單股RNA,促使細胞產生激素、干擾素等去對抗病毒,屬正向效果,因此影片中的說法沒有科學根據。

3. 影片誤導性的引用數據,且目前沒有科學證據證實mRNA疫苗會導致自身免疫性疾病或癌症。

影片中引用Ryan Cole的說法,指稱疫苗使癌症人數暴增75倍,其數據來自「疫苗不良事件通報系統」,但CDC已回應,接種疫苗後,在「任何時間」出現「任何身體上的不良情況」,都可以通報為「不良事件(Adverse Event)」,因此不一定是藥物引起,不能以此推論,且目前沒有任何科學證據指出疫苗會促使癌症發生。





COVID-19 vaccine does not cause death, autoimmune diseases


近期網路流傳一部關於美國骨科醫師 Sherri J. Tenpenny 的影片,該片指出,今年底 30 歲以下...


網傳「病理學家 Ryan Cole 從世界各地醫生得到報告」的影片及訊息,內容聲稱全球開始接種疫苗後,癌症人數暴增 75 倍,且乳癌、前列腺癌等也都大幅增加。經查證,Ryan Cole 過去曾發布許多疫情相關的錯誤訊息,接種疫苗導致癌症人數增加的說法,並沒有事實依據;此外,乳癌、前列腺癌等是引用「疫


網傳「Dr Ryan Cole : 新冠逆苗已經導致子宮癌增加 20 倍」的訊息。經查證,傳言中的醫師「Ryan Cole」過去曾發表有關新冠病毒和疫苗的說法,被多家事實查核組織證實為錯誤說法。根據專家和國際事實查核組織的查證,有關「新冠疫苗導致癌症、摧殘免疫系統、降低T細胞免疫力」等說法並無根據,
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And how is it killing the immune system? This is really important. The Pfizer shot is able, because of the way that they created it synthetically, allows the messenger RNA to passenger inside your cells and be replicated indefinitely by the ribosomes. So you cannot get it out of your body. There is no detoxing from it. Now, can you detox your body and make yourself overall healthier? Yes. Are you going to eliminate the spike protein or the antibodies of the spike protein or the stupid monoclonal
antibodies that they're advocating? No. Because you sensitize your dendritic cells and your B cells, those spikes are going to be there probably forever. Now, this one is really important. The messenger RNA ablates, wipes out, destroys toll like receptor three, seven and eight. The toll like receptors are like you've ever heard my talk on toll like receptors. I love toll like receptors. They're like God inside our body, right? They're these little these little radars that are constantly vigilantly
looking around and getting rid of viruses, bacteria and things that don't belong there. They are our innate God given what we are born with immune system. The messenger RNA shots destroy toll like receptor three, seven and eight, which is our primary first line of defense, making us more susceptible to getting COVID. And this is why all the people that get the shots suddenly are sick. And because they're more susceptible, we know the mechanisms. And the doctors are illiterate and
not reading it. We know why people who get the shots are more likely to get sick and more likely to be hospitalized. And if they're in the hospital and they get remdesivir and they put on a ventilator, that's a greater than 80% mortality rate. We know the mechanism. Number three, we know the mechanism of this too. The spike proteins enters the nucleus of the cells and binds to our DNA. So anybody who says that it doesn't irreversibly bind your DNA are wrong. They're not reading the scientific literature. And
when it binds to the DNA, it blocks the door. And when it binds to the DNA, it starts making it into an abnormal cell that if that cell replicates will turn into cancer. And then it bars the door blocks the door and doesn't allow our God given immune system repair enzymes to come in and repair the damage that spike protein is caused. Hence, that allows cancer to form and why we are seeing and Dr. Ryan Cole has talked about this a lot. Why are we seeing
this explosion of cancer in people that get these shots? People that have been in remission, been treated, they're in remission, or they said they don't have cancer anymore, suddenly they're exploding. And it's endometrial cancer, all kinds of blood cancers, lymphatic cancers, breast cancers from these shots. And we know the mechanism. It's not a guess. Data came out just in the last two weeks that if a person is injected, they're 8.12 times more likely to be infected with Omicron. Again, suppression of
your immune system, suppression of your white blood cells, ablation of your toll like receptors. The more shots you get, the more the more you destroy your immune system, and the faster that happens. And it's anticipated the German data says that by the end of 2022, every fully vaccinated person over the age of 30 may have the equivalent of full blown vaccine induced immune suppressed AIDS. This is government data.
From Germany, this came out about two weeks.

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