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Frank0594 mark this message contains true information
originally written by Frank0594
鹹酥雞、雞排、炸物、香腸、火腿、碳烤類有致大腸癌的危險。最近美國癌症研究所(American Institute of Cancer Research, AICR)公佈的大腸癌相關報告指出:
1. 加工肉品:煙燻、醃漬、鹽漬或加入化學性添加物防腐的肉品。
2. 喝酒:每天攝取30克的酒精(約2罐啤酒)。
3. 過重與肥胖:BMI、腰圍與腰臀圍比,
4. 高身高。



Colorectal cancer

The colon is the lower part of the intestinal tract. It extends from the caecum to the rectum. In the colon, water and salts are absorbed from undigested foods, and muscles move the waste products tow

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